Monday, March 30, 2009

Judgment to Repentance

Today I was reading an article on titled: In times like these, more people are going to church for help. (

The article made me think about the types of situations God uses to bring us (Christians) closer to Him. I'm thoroughly convinced that it is through God's judgment or His allowing the trials of life to get to us, that brings us closer to Him. It's amazing when things are going well how hard it is to find time to pray. I mean the marriage is sweet, the kids are great, the job is fabulous, the dog is obedient, the car is running perfect, the roof isn't leaky, friends are trust-worthy, the food is awesome, the 401K is stacked and etc......and yet and still God is placed on the backburner.

But when the marriage turns sour, the kids are causing you to groan, the job is funky (or fickle, causing you to get let go), the dog becomes obstinate (stubborn), the car is ragged, the roof is leaky, friends become toads, the food is almost gone, the 401K has shriveled and your prayer time is non-existent, so you don't have the peace of God to get you through. So what is a person to do?

Do you run from God or do you run toward Him? Human nature is funny, when God blesses us the most, the more we take Him for granted. I must admit that sometimes I'm ashamed at how, sometimes I don't spend the quality time honoring the God who gave me life. I hear stories from Missionaries that go to other countries to spread the Gospel and they talk about how Christians there are so on fire for God (even if they are under intense persecution) and they would love to be able to worship God with the freedom we have. I wonder if God is doing a case study about: The Faithfulness of Those Who Are Persecuted vs. Those That Are Blessed With the Freedom to Worship Freely. I think we'd be shocked at the findings.

I wrote all of this, to come to this conclusion: It's good that we as a country are seeing the things we hold dear, crumble before our very eyes. To long we have taken for granted the freedom the Lord has so graciously blessed us with, to the point we call those blessings: inalienable rights, which is found in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence. (We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.) It's ironic (or moronic) to think that it's a God-given right to live as we see fit, to be free in doing as we feel, and to be free in doing what makes us happy. Those of us that are in Christ (for real, not on the fence) should understand that this world and it's riches will one day pass away, but how we live for Christ will stand for eternity. Please read and meditate on the scriptures below.


Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, (Proverbs 30:8)
That I not be full and deny You and say, "Who is the LORD?" Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God. (Proverbs 30:9)


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